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RPGs: What We’re Looking Forward To In 2019

4 Minute Read
Jan 9 2019
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Here’s a list of what we’re looking forward to in 2019–delicious sci-fi, milennials dealing with poverty and monsters, angsty teens; this year’s going to be amazing folks.

With 2019 stretching out ahead of us, there’s a lot to look forward to. There’s the new edition of Pathfinder, which is updating after a decade, the upcoming Boats and Shite from D&D, certainly–those ones are gimme, but once you get past the two biggest names, there’s a ton of interesting stuff just waiting to be played. Dune is getting an RPG, alongside the Expanse, which continues the 2018-19 year of Sci-Fi with two very different perspectives on Humanity’s future in space. And alongside that there’s a couple of excellent games that make problems much more personable with Things from the Flood and iHunt, both of which blend personal struggle with hunting monsters.

As we said, there’s a lot on our radar right now, so let’s dive in.

Pathfinder Second Edition

Out with the old, in with the new. Pathfinder is updating their rules in a big way with their first new edition–and their first overhaul/major update in a decade. Pathfinder 2.0 promises at least twice as many paths and thrice the finding as Pathfinder Prime. Inspired by some of the design elements that have resulted in streamlined rules systems, while still hanging onto Pathfinder’s depth and crunch, this new edition also incorporates a massive amount of community feedback. With expanded customization options for every class and race, Pathfinder 2.0 aims to double down on the character building you love in a Golarion reborn.

The Expanse the RPG

James S.A. Corey’s tabletop rpg setting-cum-novel series-cum-tv series is completing the circle. It started as a campaign setting but never quite got published–and now it’s going to be the rpg it was envisioned as, as brought to you by the folks at Green Ronin. The Expanse RPG is built on the Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which you might be familiar with as the system behind the Dragon AGE rpg, along with the new incarnation of Blue Rose and Titansgrave. Expect it to have stunts meant to reflect the harder brand of sci-fi that you’ll find within. Whether you’re looking to play a Belter, an Earther, or one of the OPA, the world is rich and ripe for adventure.

The As-Yet Unnamed D&D Nautical Adventure

The title in the image probably isn’t the final title, and that’s the missed opportunity of the year (and we’re only in January). Even so, this book is sure to feature aquatic monsters, rules for boats, and possibly how to swash the buckle of your choice. There’s a part of me that hopes this goes full Under the Sea mode and involves players finding Apparatuses of Kwalish and just having submarine adventures beneath the Sea of Swords or something.


Dune the RPG

We’d say that this RPG, which brings Frank Herbert’s masterpiece Dune to life, courtesy of Modiphius–who have brought you Tales from the Loop and Star Trek Adventures as well as a host of other games–would be the sleeper hit of 2019, but, well…

No word yet on whether this rpg will feature weirding modules, but if you’re looking for some incredibly operatic sci-fi, this is the place to go. Finally a chance to put all those weeks you spent memorizing the special glossary that came in the book to good use.

Things from the Flood


Hailed as a darker take on Tales from the Loop, Things from the Flood is a 90s followup to the 80s game of science, wonder, and mystery that was Tales from the Loop. Now instead of playing a kid, you’ll take on the role of teens struggling to fit in, come to terms with who they are, and deal with the monsters and Things left in the wake of the Flood. If Tales from the Loop was a Stranger Things inspired tale, this one is a more dangerous cast of that story. Characters can die in this game–and that’s just the tip of the ‘bad things happen’ iceberg. Chock full of Simon StÃ¥lenhag’s gorgeous art, this is one you won’t want to miss.


iHunt is an upcoming RPG about broken people trying to make ends meet by killing monsters in “the gig economy.” Underprivileged, underpaid, and lucky enough to be credited with killing diamonds/straws/styrofoam/banking/housing markets–characters in iHunt are familiar in a way that was very refreshing to read about. This one didn’t cross our radar until the tail end of 2018 with a series of images that parody those Fiverr ads you’ve probably seen in your feed. iHunt looks at the darker parts of our world and says “let’s tell stories about this too.” And that’s amazing. We can’t wait to see this one come out.

All this is just a small taste of what 2019 has in store–so assuming we’re all around to enjoy them, it’s going to be a great year for RPGs.

What games are you looking forward to trying out? Did we miss one of your faves? Let us know in the comments!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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