SJ Games’ Pocket Box Kickstarter Brings The 80s Back To Life

The dream of the 80’s is alive and well in gaming, with games like D&D paving the way for a Robotech RPG (of all things), and now Steve Jackson Games is bringing the 80’s back to their glory with this Pocket Game Kickstarter. Come check it out.
You might be wondering what exactly a Pocket Box is, which is a reasonable assumption, given that these hail from the 80’s, when the only way to get to school was to walk uphill in the snow both ways. From a time when Steve Jackson Games produced games hard plastic cases, about the size of a paperback novel. These have undergone some refinements in the ensuing years–but the concept is still the same. 7 games, 7 pocket-sized cases, and a whole mess of stretch goals. Let’s dive on in.
Here’s Steve Jackson Games with a little more about what the Pocket Box actually contains.
At present, there are 7 different games planned:
- Illuminati
- Ogre
- Battlesuit
- Car Wars
- Truck Stop
- Crash City
…with more slated for release as Stretch Goals are met. At press time, they were only about $16K short of their goal, and that’s after only a day. So if you’re looking to get in on some of those classic games-in-a-box, this is probably one of your best bets to do so. If not your only bet.
Either way, these games are definitely worth checking out, especially if you’re looking to acquire some hard to find titles, newly reprinted for this Kickstarter. You’ll find everything from custom dice to new printings of Undead and Necromancy.
Check out Steve Jackson Games’ Pocket Box: Games of the 80’s.
In the meantime, now that they’re out there–which of these is your favorite? Are you an Illuminati, OGRE or a Car Wars player? Let us know in the comments!