40K: Genestealer Cults Wave Two Unboxing

The next wave of Genestealer Cults kits are going up for pre-order today and we’ve got an early look at them. Come see what you can expect with the Achilles Ridgeruner, Abominant, Aberrants, and the Biophagus!
It’s a whole new batch of Cultists arising from the depths for Ascension Day. We’ve been waiting on a few of these options for a long time and they are finally out:
Achilles Ridgerunner
What I really like about the Achilles Ridgerunner is, as a new vehicle, it helps expand what life looks like in the Imperium. It’s basically a civilian transport that has been refitted for use by the cult. The background also says there is a version that is used by the Astra Militarum as well. It makes me wonder if we’ll see a militarized Ridgerunner for the Guard one day. It also shares some similarities to the Ork vehicles that were in Speed Freeks and I don’t think that was by accident.
This kit is also pretty hollow on the inside. I’m really looking forward to seeing what folks will do with that. I have a feeling that we might see some LEDs get used to add some ground FX on these Ridgerunners – and that’s probably just the tip of the iceberg!
The Aberrants finally have a boxed set you can purchase solo! It’s been a long time coming and the new kit has some alternate poses as well as the new street-sign wielding Aberrant. These guys are a hard-hitting unit and they got even meaner in the new codex. Especially when you run them with…
The Abominant is a new HQ option and it’s a pretty solid choice if you want a close-combat monster. It comes in a new clam pack and is a pretty straight forward build and packs a lot of little details in the model. And the little familiar is kinda cute – in a “twisted and malformed” kind of way.
And finally we have the new Biophagus model. There is something about this model that makes me think of a mad scientist from a pulp-era movie or story. Maybe it’s the paint job with the white lab coat with big, black gloves. Maybe it’s the sinister stave and back-pack. Or all the test-tubes and syringes he’s got strapped on. Or maybe it’s the bald head with the round-rimmed glasses. Whatever it is, the entire package comes across with a strong looking theme – you know this guy has been experimenting in a lab and his concoctions are just as deadly as they are helpful. And his mini-lab assistant is just the final nail in the coffin!
All of these new kits are going up for Pre-Order this weekend. As the final wave (for now) of Genestealer Cults miniatures they round out the rest of the line. I can’t wait to see what the community does with these new kits!
With the release of all the new GSC kits – do you have a favorite? Are you inspired to start a new army?