Arkham Horror TCG: ‘In The Clutches of Chaos’ Announced

The next Mythos Pack for Arkham Horror: The Card Game has been revealed – In The Clutches Of Chaos!
Strange things are happening in Arkham and only you and your brave band of investigators can stop it – that is if you can handle dealing with Ghosts and other things that stalk the night. In The Clutches Of Chaos is the 5th Mythos Pack for the Circle Undone and it’s bringing some new cards and familiar mechanics to the card game!
After your fateful investigation in Union and Disillusion, the state of the city continues to decay. Breaches in reality begin to rip through the fabric of the Earth, and a faint melody of discordant pipes can be heard throughout the streets of Arkham. Tendrils of mist reach out of the woods that border the town, stretching over Hangman’s Brook and crawling through the streets. Windows are shut tight, and if you didn’t know any better, you would swear that the place was a ghost town. Everyone is closed in, safe as possible, waiting for something to happen. Except for you. Always you.
Looking at the above Agenda/Act cards, this scenario is going to involve a whole lot of movement around the map. In fact, the whole Breach/Incursion mechanic feels like it was taken straight out of one of the scenarios for Arkham Horror: The Board Game. Personally, I kind of like that concept! It helps to tie both games together in a different way besides just the setting. And having played that scenario out with the board game, it’s going to be fun to attempt to overcome a similar challenge in the card game – but with the help of my investigator from this campaign.
Also, to advance the Act, it’s going to require some interesting sacrifices to remove those breaches from the play area. French Hill is just the tip of the iceberg for this whole mess. I’m very curious about the other locations and I’m also curious if there will be a mechanic introduced to help investigators move even farther around the map. However, some of the cards in Union and Disillusion are making a lot more sense.
Bring on the Back-up
With all these strange happenings the majority of the citizens of Arkham are holed-up in their homes and taking on the impending doom like an Ostrich – burying their heads in the sand, hoping the threat passes them by. But not all of the citizens are willing to go without a fight!
Dayana Esperence is a new ally that will come to your aid. She’s got a pretty potent ability and if you pair her with the right type of spell, she can really turn things around. The upgraded Deny Existence in this set is a perfect pair for her:
Getting to play this card 3 more times an be quite the shift! Couple the fact that you can have two copies in your deck and there are ways to add more secrets back to cards…well, you get the idea! Mystics are getting a powerful new tool in their arsenal with this set.
Survivors are also getting a new card to mess around with. Known for their ability to switch-hit and do what needs to be done, Trial by Fire really leans into that archetype:
This card makes one of your stats 5 until the end of the turn. If you need to grab clues, fight/evade enemies, or do scenario specific things (like parley) this can be a great card to pull your fat out of the fire!
The final preview is for Agency Backup which is the most expensive card in the game currently (not counting “X” cards or a certain investigator’s weakness). It’s also one of the biggest allies you can call in:
This card can be a beat stick and for 5 Xp and 7 costs to play, it better be! What’s really crazy about this card is that it’s also a non-unique so you could (in theory) have a ton of these cards running around helping out. In practice, that could be pretty difficult to pull off, but that’s when you can use cards like “Calling in Favors” to lower the cost. Plus, there are other cards you can add to really up this card’s effectiveness, too.
Keep an eye out for In The Clutches Of Chaos to hit shelves in the second quarter of 2019.
In the Clutches of Chaos $14.95
In the Clutches of Chaos is the fifth Mythos Pack in The Circle Undone cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.
After your fateful investigation in Union and Disillusion, the state of the city continues to decay. Breaches in reality begin to rip through the fabric of the Earth, and a faint melody of discordant pipes can be heard throughout the streets of Arkham. Frightened citizens have sealed themselves in their homes, yet you continue to patrol the streets, desperate for some solution to end the chaos.
…And on the brink of madness.