CHARITY: Operation Good Cause 2019 Has Begun!

Hello everybody, please let me introduce you to Operation Good Cause 2019!
What Is It All About?
Operation Good Cause is a fundraiser for the International Committee of the Red Cross. I teamed up with my local wargaming club and some very awesome sponsors to build a WW2 American force. It works simply like this: People contribute money to the fundraiser, and in return we give them raffle tickets. At the end, one lucky winner will get a quite substantial, ready-to-play army. We are trying to keep this force as generic as possibly (for example, we will use clear acrylic bases), and we even have several different rule sets we will give away with it!
All the details can be found on the Operation Good Cause 2019 blog
How Does It Work?
We will accept contributions through PayPal from now until June 6th.
After that, on June 9th, we will randomly choose and announce the winner during our public D-Day gaming event.
And of course there will be additional give-aways of all kind of gaming related goodies! The winners of those prizes will be drawn form everybody who donated At that point, so get your lots in early!
What Will Be In the Army?
So far, we revealed 90 infantry, 6 vehicles and 2 guns, but I can promise you that more will be announced very soon! We haven’t shown you anything from our sponsors yet, and when you go to the blog, you will see that it’s an impressive list!
Do You Want To Help Us?
Well, the more support we get, the better our army will be and the more money we can collect!
Beside contributing money there are some other easy ways to support Operation Good Cause:
– Spread the word!
Just talk about us. That’s the most important part at all. The more people know about Operation Good Cause, the more success it will have. Tell all your friends, talk about it on you favorite forum or post it on your social media!
– Become a sponsor!
We are still looking for donations for the army and for the weekly give-aways. No matter if you are a fellow hobbyist or a store owner, please just contact us under [email protected]!
– Contribute to the army!
For the next couple of weeks we will consider offers to actively help us building the army. Everything from a single character to a whole battle group is welcome! Again,the bigger the army, the more success Operation Good Cause will have.
Again, just contact us under the email address above if you want to help us and feel free to ask any questions in the comments!