Critical Role: Homeward Bound/Dragon Talk: Nerd Poker

Hey friends, come get caught up on your favorite D&D Podcasts–catch up on Critical Role in time for the latest episode, and hear the latest from Dragon Talk.
This week, the Mighty Nein find themselves in trouble deep down in the underground; and on a Dragon Talk (sort of) crossover episode, some of the funny folks from Nerd Poker drop in to talk about D&D, humor, and podcasting it all. Plus get some insights on bonus actions–this week on your D&D Podcasts!
Critical Role
Campaign 2, Episode 50: Homeward Bound
The Mighty Nein follow the tunnels of the Krynn’s burrowing worms, but find much more than caverns and rocks await them down in the underground….
Dragon Talk
Dan Telfer and Blaine Capatch on Nerd Poker
Two extremely funny people are on this episode and we don’t mean Greg and Shelly. Comedians Dan Telfer & Blaine Capatch from the Nerd Poker podcast call in from sunny L.A. to talk through how the podcast began all the way back in 2012, what the new campaign is like, and what kind of a DM Dan is. Sage Advice – Jeremy Crawford returns to talk about bonus action timing and all the fun that entails!
Happy listening! Got a favorite podcast we should be following? Let us know in the comments!