NEW 40K Assassin Rules, Ambulls, Warmachine, Keyforge, & Roleplaying Tips

WHAT A Weekend! The New 40k Assassins rules arrive, the Ambull returns after 30 years, plus new minis for Khador, Keyforge grows, new GW Start Collecting boxes, plus tips on being a better RPG player. And of course Pimpcron chimes in on Knights.
Pimpcron: Castellan Knights Aren’t Broken; Your Head Is
Pimpcron is here to set the record straight.
The Dreaded Ambull Unboxed – Blackstone Fortress Expansion
The Blackstone Fortress has a brand new expansion and it’s got a classic monster from Rogue Trader in it – come check out the new Dreaded Ambull!
RPG: Playing Up Your Roleplaying
Want to add more R to your RPG? Here are a few things you can use to draw some character out of your player characters.
40K Combat Arena: Gorechosen 2.0
Warhammer 40,000 is getting a new boxed game from Games Workshop – Combat Arena. At it’s looking like a Grimdark remake of the brutal Gorechosen!
Keyforge: Age of Ascension Adds New Cards & Starter To Game
Fantasy Flight Games has a new expansion coming to Keyforge – Get ready for the Age of Ascension!
GW Pre-Orders: Blackstone Fortress – Ambull Edition
The Ambull is up for Pre-order this weekend! Expand your Blackstone Fortress Adventures with the new Beast!
Privateer Press New Releases: Greylord Adjunct And Planet Eaters
Newly released this week from Privateer Press – the Greylord Adjunct trains Khadoran Arcanists to be the best around, while these Planet Eater forces will make you hunger for more.
40K Breaking: Imperial Assassin Index Leaks – Stratagems Galore
March is around the corner, and the Imperial Assassins are preparing for their next mission–and from the look of their new rules, they’ll be carrying it out with astonishing skill. Come see what the Assassins can do.
40K Breaking: Imperial Assassins Leaks – Stat Blocks
The Assassins have been unleashed from their temples, and now the new rules for the Vindicare, Callidus, Culexus, and Eversor are out in the wild. Come take a look.
40K: Next Week From GW – Commissar Severina Raine, Start Collecting Kits, And Underworlds
Next week is going to be a big one for GW–Commissar Severina Raine comes out as part of the Black Library Celebration, and alongside that you can start collecting various kin of Age of Sigmar, and new Underworld Boards.