PAINTING STREAM: Vet Sergeant & Goatboy – Painting Malifaux & GSC Characters

Grab your paintbrush and hobby along with the Veteran Sergeant and Goatboy on Hobby Wednesday. Veteran Serg is painting Nekima from Malifaux, & Goatboy’s painting a Genestealer Cult Nexos & Sanctus.
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5PM (ET) The Veteran Sergeant
Grab your paintbrush and settle in with Torabora as he paints up and teaches you everything from Grey Knights to historical tanks. Here’s an example of his work:
9PM (ET) Full of Monkey
Settle in and hobby with Thomas, the original Goatboy. He’s one of the fastest and most unique painters and converters out there with plenty of tips and tricks for the community. Here is a sample of his work:
BoLS Twitch Schedule
Come join us every week for all the games we can jam in. We host special events every month – including 40k tournaments and interviews with luminaries of the industry. Check out our events, and here’s the weekly schedule: