Star Wars Legion: Two New Operatives Inbound

Let take a look at two new Operatives heading to Star Wars Legion.
Fantasy Flight is at it again, this week unveiling two new Operatives for Star Wars Legion. The Deadly Bossk and fan-favorite Sabine are soon heading to the tabletop. While we don’t have full spoilers yet lets take a look at what we do know.
Sabine Wren
A deadly Mandelorian-turned Rebel, there isn’t much Sabine can’t do. She’s a pilot, excels at close combat and ranged warfare, is the Phonex Cells demolition expert and is also an amazing street artist. She was one of the real stand out characters in Star Wars Rebels and I’m very happy to see her on the table top. As an operative Sabine is a powerful single figure unit, and boy does she pack a punch. She appears to cost 125 points, but can really bring the hurt. Her basic attack is her dual Westar-35 Blaster Pistols which she can fire twice (or once each I suppose) thanks to gunslinger. That alone lets her out shoot whole squads of infantry. On top of thats shes fast (fellow Manderlorian Boba Fett is the only other trooper with speed 3) and dodgy. Shes got a red defense dice, rare for rebels, which combined with impervious, nimble and her defensive surge make her very tanky.
Upgrade wise we see she can take the legendary Darksaber. a powerful Manderlorian melee weapon. With 5 black dice, Impact and Pierce 1 shes almost as deadly in melee as Luke. Her main advantage over Skywalker is her speed, with the Darksaber shes the fastest melee unit in the game and can hit targets as needed. We can’t read what her other upgrades are, but given that it looks like shes comes with some explosive tokens, and that shes a demolitions master, I’d guess she can make thinks go boom. Her 3 pip command card gives her inspire and extra tokens when she gives out orders. While most operatives only give themselves, or a single friend, bonuses, Sabine does become more of a leader as she grows up and her 3 pip card reflects that.
Like Boba Fett, Bossk is a deadly bounty hunter often found in service to the Empire. This deadly Trandoshan warrior comes to Legion with several abilities. Now Bossk seems like a bit of an odd duck to me honestly. His main ranged attack, his Relby-v10 Mortar Rifle, is a long ranged weapon, 2-4, and seems to make him a sniper. Most models with range 2-4 want to stay off and pick at the enemy. Yet Bossk also is pretty decent in close combat, so it’s a mixed bag. On top of that his rifle isn’t really all that great. At what looks like 125 points he’s only throwing out 1 red and 4 white dice, barely more than a squad of Stormtroopers. Sure, with 7 wounds and the ability to regenerate hes pretty though, but with only a white defense dice and no bonus to defense he can get mowed down if caught in the wrong space.
His command card we can see does boost hist ability. Giving him sharpshooter 1 and an aim token each time an enemy unit activates. This will let him get off one very accurate attack, if he waits till the end of turn, but still doesn’t seem to really make him worth it. I can’t help but think we are missing something with Bossk. He’s shown with a ton of new tokens, and his model is throwing a dioxis charge, so I assume he some upgrade that makes him better, becuase right now he doesn’t seem worth it over the other options.
Final Thoughts
Both of these units are cool additions to the game and are signs of how FFG is stepping their game up. Unlike previous Legion models both Sabine and Bossk come with options for different poses or weapons. Sabine even comes with a helmeted and un-helmeted head. You can really see how the Legion models are maturing and improving with these two. I also wonder if they are part of something bigger yet to come. Sabine works best as part of Phoenix Squad and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the rest of them on the table top sometime. I’m curious as to if they will just come as individual operatives or if they will have some option to field the whole team together. Bossk likewise can either work alone or as part of a large group of bounty hunters. With Fett already out we can expect to see the rest of the gang from Empire show up, and maybe even form their own faction? We can hope.
Let us know what you think of these new models down in the comments!