40K: Daemon Engine Confirmations & Questions

The Daemon Engine may have gone silent but the visions of the future are the gifts that keep on giving.
We will miss the Daemon Engine and all the teasers that were gifted to us. And now that we’ve seen the reveals from Shadowspear, we were able to go back and pin-down some of those errant images back to their owners. However, there are quite a few images left unaccounted for. So let’s see what we can see:
First up we have a new possessed model. This particular model holds the key to 3 Daemon Engine images. The twisted claw, the mouthy-hand, and the bare foot with 4 little piggies.
On top of that, I have a theory that the possessed-looking backpack might be a part of this model, too. However, we can’t confirm this one…yet:
The mouth/teeth sure would seem to fit the above model’s theme…
Speaking of Possessed, we know where these images came from, too. The grey image is from the May 15th Rumor Engine – but it’s part of this model.
And of course the Autocannon. Although, there are a few things that are different…If you look closely, you can see there is a Chain missing. And the bayonets are ALSO different. Maybe this ISN’T so cut-and-dry after-all…
In fact, there are a couple more images that we’ve seen that look similar to what we’ve seen – but actually ARE different.
You can see the similar spines and the leg-joint, but there are differences in both. That tells us that there is definitely a different model coming besides the Venomcrawler.
We then have a trio of bits that sure do look like they would be perfect for some new Chaos Terminators. Alternatively, they could just be accessories for you’re basic CSM…but look at the elbows – those are just too wide and fat for a CSM. But they would be just right for a Terminator.
Another image people have been thinking was solved was the heavy bolter. But it’s clear that there is a hand holding the top of the heavy bolter on the left. Plus the barrels are different. Clearly, we’re seeing yet another teaser for a model we haven’t seen yet.
Another pair of mysteries are these two weapons. What kit is getting access to these!?
The final images are these 4 – are we possibly looking at some brand new terrain piece for Chaos? Maybe one of those sinister altars or Flesh-Forges from Nemendghast? Or maybe it’s some thing else entirely…
Shadowspear is going to be one heck of a release. But I have a funny feeling that’s not going to be the last of the Chaos-Train of goodies coming out way. I mean, we are still missing one pretty important miniature:
So many new kits, so little time. All will be revealed soon enough.
It’s anyone’s guess at what all we’re still getting from GW. We want to hear your thoughts in the comments!