40K: Guilliman Vs. Abaddon

If you hadn’t noticed, Guilliman and Abaddon are meant to be fighting each other. Here’s a look at how their minis fit together!
It’s a showdown for the ages–representing the forces of humanity, Roboute Guilliman, the scoutiest of the boy scouts, clad in specially crafted power armor, wielding the weapon of his dad, and doing his best to step out from under his father’s long shadow.
And representing the forces of humanity corrupted by Chaos, Abaddon the Warmaster of chaos, also clad in specially crafted power armor, wielding the weapon of his dad, and doing his best to step out from under his father’s long shadow.
Together, they have daddy issues enough to keep humanity (or Chaos) from really advancing over the last ten thousand years. So let’s take a look at how they fit together–because as we’ll see in these little details revealed from Games Workshop, there’s an awful lot of synergy and symmetry going on here.
via Warhammer Community
As you can see, they’re meant to be fighting each other. It’s a showdown we know is coming down the line–Vigilus will probably be Abaddon vs. PriMarneus, but there’s probably going to be something that keeps either of them from winning until Guilliman steps in to decide things. But there are a few more details that help highlight the symbolism present on each of the minis:
Their bases are designed to look like they’re on the same battlefield, lending further weight to the fact that they are about to face off against each other and battle for the future of Mankind.
Abaddon’s face was sculpted to resemble Horus, not just because of the background but to strengthen the fact they are repeating a legendary duel. In fact, the base of Abaddon has a fallen Space Marine beneath his boot and a ruined wing – a metaphor for Sanguinius. We painted him as an Ultramarine, which also works considering who he is dueling, but it could be a Blood Angel too for poetic reasons!
The base details suggest they are in the same place too. Abaddon towers over his fellow Heretic Astartes, but he’s still a fair way off the size of a Primarch – his large trophy rack and cloak help to add volume to the model and make him feel more in scale with Guilliman.
The question is when will we actually see these two face off against each other on the battlefield? And how would you find a satisfying resolution for this conflict?
In other words, who do you think would win and how? Let us know!