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40K: Heretic Havocs Have Rules Previews

3 Minute Read
Mar 28 2019
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Come take a look at the new Havocs. We’ve got rules previews, and a look at a new specialist detachment inside.

We’ve all seen those glorious new Havocs, glistening with heretical glory. Dripping with Daemonic Delight–but also some heretical new rules full of powerful weapons, new Specialist Detachment traits, and stratagems designed to help you get the most out of your minis. Lets dive in!

Via Warhammer Community

First up, here’s a look at their stat block:

Their stabilization talons will help you keep them in position as you move around the table–but then there’s the weapons themselves. Take a look at the Reaper Chaincannon.

8 shots to tear through infantry–it’ll chew through Guard like nobody’s business. Not to mention other, heavier infantry, though it’ll have trouble with multiwound units like Intercessors. Strength 5 is a pretty good place to shoot from though.


Now let’s take a look at one of the new specialist detachments in Vigilus Ablaze, the Devastation Battery, which offers up a new warlord trait and stratagem that will help you get the most punishment out of your Havocs.

First of all, you’ll be able to have a better chance of actually wounding enemy armour. Armour Bane gives you that extra boost to make sure your Havoc shots count (not to mention the other units in your Devastation Battery) but then there’s also Punishing Volley, which only works when you don’t go first–but when you don’t go first, watch out. You could potentially allow one of your Havoc squads to shoot three times in a single battle round (though it does seem like slightly long odds you’ll live that dream).


Just combo Punishing Volley with a Slaaneshi marked Havoc unit (so you can give them Endless Cacophony) and boom, three shots per turn. With a Reaper Chaincannon that’s 24 shots for just one model.

If you’re looking forward to wreaking some literal Havoc, check them out!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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