Geekery: New ‘Shazam’ Trailer Lets the One Liners Fly

DC’s Shazam is definitely not for folks that need their comic book movies to be dark and gritty. It’s for that 10 year old kid inside you that just picked up their first comic book, and found joy and adventure. The studio seems to be hoping to recreate Aquaman’s success, which brought in over $1 billion world wide thanks to fans raving about how different and fun it is. Shazam has got a new trailer that attempts to convince audiences that this hero isn’t so serious. In fact, he’s down right goofy.
Introducing: Captain Sparkle Fingers…
The official synopsis:
We all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In Billy Batson’s (Angel) case, by shouting out one word—SHAZAM!—this streetwise 14-year-old foster kid can turn into the adult Super Hero Shazam (Levi), courtesy of an ancient wizard. Still a kid at heart—inside a ripped, godlike body—Shazam revels in this adult version of himself by doing what any teen would do with superpowers: have fun with them! Can he fly? Does he have X-ray vision? Can he shoot lightning out of his hands? Can he skip his social studies test? Shazam sets out to test the limits of his abilities with the joyful recklessness of a child. But he’ll need to master these powers quickly in order to fight the deadly forces of evil controlled by Dr. Thaddeus Sivana (Strong).
It drops between Captain Marvel (this weekend!) and Avengers: End Game (April 26th) – the movie looks like a great breather between two Marvel cinematic heavy weights.
DC’s Shazam flies into theaters April 5th.