Grimdark Refugees: Top 5 Sci-Fi Tropes

You got your Sci-Fi Movie props in my Grimdark – check out what ended up on the otherside of the Warp!
It’s another 40K Pop Khorne – the cross section of 40k and Pop Culture. Today we’re taking a look at some of the tropes and themes that *may* have inspired some of the characters and models you have come to know and love in the Warhammer 40k universe! Let’s kick it off with one of the newest entries to the game – Chaos Style!
Stargate (1994) / Chaos Terrain – Noctilith Crown
Who doesn’t love Stargate?! Either the movie or the show – it doesn’t matter. In our minds, it’s a great franchise and it’s got the Iconic Stargate! It’s so amazing, I’m not even mad to see it pop-up in the Grimdark! Now, this isn’t an actual stargate in the lore…but, that’s not going to stop me from thinking that it is every time I see it.
I mean, I guess an archaic stone-ish ring structure with runes carved in them could really be anything. I’m sure that GW thought of that before this got approved by legal. Totally not a Stargate! It’s more of a Warp-type-gate thing. Like a “Warpgate” if you will.
Dredd (2012)/ Adeptus Arbites
Okay, I know some folks are thinking “But Dredd 2012 came out WAAAY after Adeptus Arbites! How is this movie an inspiration for those?” I hear you, oh internet comments, but allow me to explain. Dredd is based off of the Character Judge Dredd, which I’m sure you are aware is from the 2000 AD Comics/Magazine. Dredd’s first Appearance was in 1977, which is about a decade before we even got to see one of these done up in model form:
Man, that resemblance sure is striking…
I’m choosing to reference Dredd 2012 instead of the 2000 AD because, well, it’s a movie and not a comic. And this list is based around movies, not comics. Furthermore, I’m opting to go with this version vs the Stallone movie because I like this one a lot more.
Hellraiser Franchise – Cenobites / Drukhari Haemonculi
While Pinhead is perhaps the most infamous of the Cenobites, there are A LOT more where that came from. So many, in fact, that it’s hard not to argue that’s likely where a lot of the inspiration of the look of the Drukhari currently comes from. Specifically the Haemonculi models. I mean, look at this guy:
What’s that in your hand? Not, that hand, your OTHER hand. Yeah – that box? What’s inside the box?
Do you have such sights to show us? I’m sure you do…
Now there are some legally required differences here and Drukhari ARE different from the Cenobite Hellspawn. But c’mon. There is just enough homage there to be a wink-and-a-head-nod without getting sued. Mission Accomplished.
Terminator (1984) / Necrons
Termintor and Terminator 2 are pretty much two of the greatest action movies ever made. It’s going to be extremely hard to argue that the look of the Terminators wasn’t influential in creating the look of the Necron, specifically the Necron Warriors. And while the Necrons did get a healthy dose of “please don’t sue us” with the additions of the Egyptian themes and tropes, you can still see that influence.
And I’m not complaining – so please don’t come at me with a Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt range. You can be a fan of both – it’s okay!
Robotech (1985) – HWR-00 Monster/ T’au Supremacy Armor
“Hey, I thought you said you wanted to keep this about movies – Robotech was a TV series!” Yeah, I’m breaking rules – even ones that I set arbitrarily for myself. You’re missing the point – look at the Glory that is the HWR-000 Monster! Now look at the T’au Supremacy Armor:
At least GW didn’t pull a Harmony Gold/Battletech/Mechwarrior and directly copy this. However, the influence…it’s there.
Honorable Mentions:
Look, I know it’s a list of 5, but there are a few more we just HAD to mention.
Aliens / 3rd Edition Tyranids
If there was one miniatures line that got GW into some hot legal water is was the Tyranids circa 3rd edition. The Alien Franchise took a hard look at the property and well…we got a whole new Hive Tyrant out of the deal. I’m not complaining! I also don’t miss those old metal Hormagaunts. You know, the ones that look a little too much like Xenomorphs…
Dark City (1998) / House Delaque
What Sci-fi Trope Transplants have you spotted in the Grimdark from other movies/media? Let us know in the comments!