RPG: Roleplaying Comes To The Wasteland With Fallout Tabletop RPG

War might never change, but your tabletop RPGs are about to with Modiphius’ new Fallout Roleplaying Game.
Fallout is getting a pen-and-paper roleplaying game. What more do you need to hear? Modiphius, hot on the heels of the success of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, has announced that they’re developing not one, but two new Fallout roleplaying games. The first is based on the Wasteland Warfare franchise and is going to expand on the wargame-with-a-narrative kind of play you get from that game, due out later this year. But then in 2020 (which is oddly appropriate) you’ll see the release of a 2d20 Fallout RPG that will lead into a much more full-fledged RPG.
This feels like something that’s been a long time coming. With all the Fallout games out there, including a boardgame, the aforementioned skirmishy wargame, and several video games (which are themselves based on pen-and-paper RPGs) it feels like this should’ve happened a while ago. But it’s here–and we’re excited. Scroll on for more info.
via Modiphius
The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare roleplaying game expansion will build on the narrative wargame experience of the tabletop miniatures game, and will include new rules for character creation, creating adventures in the wasteland, and more.
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare game designer James Sheahan is developing the roleplaying game expansion, that will let you explore the desolate wasteland of the Fallout universe, fight terrifying mutated creatures and encounter the denizens who make the wasteland their home.
Delve into abandoned Vaults, ruined cities, strange facilities, and antiquated military bases. Encounter Super Mutants, Raiders, Survivors, Vault Dwellers, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute and the Enclave, and many more! Will you roam wide and far, or build up and protect your settlement? For those who want to create their own unique characters, use the faction based Archetype cards to start your own hero and see them grow from adventure to adventure.
Modiphius are developing two unique tabletop roleplaying game products based on the Fallout® videogame franchise. The first expanding on the narrative wargame experience of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, their licensed tabletop miniatures game, while a second more traditional tabletop RPG will follow using the company’s 2d20 System (as seen in Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, Conan, Star Trek Adventures, and John Carter of Mars) in 2020.
This is an interesting way to create a Roleplaying Game–the first is an expansion for Wasteland Warfare, but the second though, the one designed by Modiphius’ head of RPG development Sam Webb (of Star Trek Adventures) is heading up the 2d20 version which, as promised, offers a “more in-depth tabletop roleplaying game experience.”
With the release of one around the corner, it’ll be interesting to see what changes as Fallout gets a more traditional RPG experience. But for now, we’ll be grabbing our Rad-X and a spare satchel full of stimm packs and heading for the Wastes.