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Star Wars Armada: Using A SSD In A Sector Fleet

4 Minute Read
Mar 8 2019

Lets take at look at how we can field a Super Star Destroyer with the new Sector Fleet rules.

The other week FFG put out new rules for Armada supporting larger Sector Fleets. I’ve cover the rules in depth here. These new rules allows for fleets up to 1200 points in size, and boy has that got me thinking. I think it goes without saying that I am super excited to try and field 1200 point fleets. Over the past couple weeks I’ve looked building Imperial and Rebel fleets fort his new point size. In both cases I’ve stuck with current ships and stayed away from using the upcoming Super Star Destroyer. Today lets stop beating around the bush and bring in a Super Star Destroyer.

The List

The Emperor’s Finest 

Commander: Moff Jerjerrod

Executor II-class Star Dreadnought (411 points)-Flagship
–  Moff Jerjerrod  ( 23  points)
–  Ravager  ( 4  points)
–  Agent Kallus  ( 3  points)
–  Wulff Yularen  ( 7  points)
–  Director Krennic  ( 8  points)
–  Minister Tua  ( 2  points)
–  Gunnery Team  ( 7  points)
–  Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams  ( 6  points)
–  Quad Laser Turrets  ( 5  points)
–  Advanced Projectors  ( 6  points)
–  X17 Turbolasers  ( 6  points)
–  Quad Turbolaser Cannons  ( 10  points)
–  Leading Shots  ( 4  points)
–  SW-7 Ion Batteries  ( 5  points)
–  Entrapment Formation!  ( 5  points)
512 total ship cost


Imperial Star Destroyer Kuat Refit (112 points)
–  Avenger  ( 5  points)
–  Admiral Ozzel  ( 2  points)
–  Gunnery Team  ( 7  points)
–  Leading Shots  ( 4  points)
–  Expanded Launchers  ( 13  points)
143 total ship cost



Imperial Star Destroyer Kuat Refit (112 points)
–  Relentless  ( 3  points)
–  Emperor Palpatine  ( 3  points)
–  Gunnery Team  ( 7  points)
–  Leading Shots  ( 4  points)
–  Expanded Launchers  ( 13  points)
142 total ship cost


Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (56 points)
–  Demolisher  ( 10  points)
–  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
–  Engine Techs  ( 8  points)
–  Assault Concussion Missiles  ( 7  points)
85 total ship cost


Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
23 total ship cost



Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
23 total ship cost


Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
23 total ship cost


Raider I-Class Corvette (44 points)
–  Instigator  ( 4  points)
–  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
–  Assault Proton Torpedoes  ( 5  points)
57 total ship cost



11 Aggressor Assault Fighters ( 176 points)
176 total squadron cost

Assault Objective: Targeting Beacons
Defense Objective: Planetary Ion Cannon
Navigation Objective: Solar Corona

Points: 1184/1200

Playing The Fleet

This fleet is based around being very aggressive and in your face. The central part of the fleet is the SSD. This gal can put out an amazing amount of firepower and I’ve tricked it out to the nines. Ravager and Krennic should combine to let me get a lot of concentrate firepower tokens, while Yularn will make sure I never run out of them. Tua gives me extra toughness as I can spread damage around better. I’ve got 33 hull already, but if I can make the most of all 29 shields the ship can stick around forever. Kallus, Quad Lasers and the ships 3 anti-squad dice make it very very deadly to enemy squadrons. Though I might consider swapping Kallus for Damage Control Officer. I’ve also set up the ion cannons and turbolasers to allow me to deliver the most concentrated punch I can. Jerjerrod is I think an amazing Admiral for an SSD giving it an incredible about of maneuverability, which the ISDs can also beneift from.

To back up the SSD I’ve taken a pair of Kuat Refit ISD (my “hunting dogs). While the SSD can sit off and bombard at range these two need to drive in close and hit the enemy with a ton of black dice. With their extra speed they can help corral the enemy, forcing them to either eat black dice or get in range of the SSD. You do not want to get stuck at close range of these guys. Backing them up I’ve got a good old fashioned Demolisher and Raider I, more fast close range ships.


Round out the list I’ve got 3 Gozantis, these give me extra activations and can push fighters if needed. Not much to be said about their role. I’ve also got a nice stack of 11 Aggressors. These are one of my favorite Imperial Squadrons  as they combine a really solid stat line with rogue and counter. Their role is to really act as an anti-squadron screen, not to be offence. Combining them with the powerful anti-squadron fire power of the SSD, and localized support from the Gozantis should let me hold off enemy squadrons. Overall the idea for the fleet is to put pressure on them, get in close and knock out their most powerful ships one by one.

Let us know what you think of the fleet, and how you plan to field SSDs, down in the comments!

Author: Abe Apfel
  • Star Wars Armada: Building An Imperial Sector Fleet