Geekery: ‘Avengers – Endgame’ Shatters Box Office Records

The 21st movie in the Infinity Saga raked in an unheard of amount of money over the weekend – starting with a record $60 million in its Thursday night previews in North America alone. That’s more than most movies released this year have made in their entire runs. It is the biggest worldwide opening ever. It topped the box offices both domestically and worldwide, and is the highest grossing movie debut ever in China.
The numbers break down as of Sunday evening:
- $156.7 million Friday – the biggest single day for any film ever
- It also had the biggest single Saturday ($109 million) and Sunday (estimated $84.3 million) ever
- Estimated at $350 million US box office – the first time a movie has made more than $300 million on opening weekend
- Estimated $859 million overseas
- $91.5 million record-breaking IMAX box office
- $540 million record-breaking 3D box office
- Estimated $1.2 billion worldwide
This is all despite its long run time. That could limit the number of showings, but the movie was screened in a record-breaking 4,662 theaters. In the states, AMC reported that they showed the movie 58,000 times over the weekend in their theaters – that’s 10 million possible seats.
Who would have guessed back in 2008 that it would become this?
As a side note: #2 in the US box office went to Captain Marvel with $8.05 million – meaning Carol is in both of the top two movies of the weekend.
Even with all of those seats and showings, there are still fans out there that haven’t seen the movie. Please keep plot details to yourself when commenting. Thanks 🙂