GW Rumor Engine: ‘In Need Of Repairs’

The Rumor Engine is back with a new tease of a bit – but this one looks like it’s a tad broken…
This latest Rumor Engine has be scratching my head – see if you can solve this puzzling development.
The Rumour Engine returns, but can you decode this week’s mysterious image?
…Yeah I got nothing. I don’t even know where to start. Even the basic question of Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Age of Sigmar is pretty much an “I don’t know.” On the flip side, maybe we can rule out somethings we probably know it’s not?
It’s probably not Orky or Orruky…Doesn’t really look Aeldari or Aelfish, either. Probably not Ogors or Tyranids. I don’t think it’s Khornate or Imperial, really. Necron? Nah.
That list is probably not helpful either. Well if it’s rusty/broken who do we know uses those types of things? Death from AoS, Idoneth Deepkin (but that’s mostly sea-wrecked ships), Death Guard (or Nurgle in general). Maybe Skaven?
Gnaw, man! It probably ain’t us!
I really don’t know about this one. I’m stumped. If you’ve got any suggestions please let us know in the comments!
This one is up to you Internet Detectives. Anyone have a clue as to what this bit is for?