Tabletop Crowdfunding Round-Up: April 24th

Dungeon-crawling kitties, vampire manipulators, and oceanic predators. Come check out this week’s batch of Kickstarter highlights!
Kingdom Rush: Rift In Time by Lucky Duck Games
Let’s start the week off with a board game adaptation of the popular tower defense series, Kingdom Rush. Players are tasked with defeating the evil Time Mage by closing all his portals. Each player controls a unique hero, and work together placing towers to fend off waves of enemies. Rift In Time can be played in single sessions, or a multi-scenario campaign. You can get the Limited Edition version of the game for $79.
Oceans by North Star Games
Oceans is a standalone game in the popular Evolution series. Like in the other Evolution games, players compete to make new species to fill specific ecological niches. Early life will be simple and feed on plankton, but as the game goes on, players will be able to make increasingly larger and deadlier super predators. You can get the Deluxe version for $70.
Cats and Catacombs by Painting & Polygons
Russ Charles is back with another batch of cute animal adventurers. As the name implies, Cats and Catacombs consists of a variety of feline adventurers dressed up as stereotypical D&D classes. The campaign consists of 13 miniatures, included the Kickstarter exclusive Necromeowncer. You can get the whole set, as well as rules for incorporating them into your adventures, for $35.
March of the Ants: Empires of the Earth by Weird City Games
Empires of the Earth is the second expansion to March of the Ants, a board game about creating a thriving ant colony. In addition to more cards, the expansion adds the Mutation and Nest Chamber mechanics. Mutations allow players to draft asymmetrical perks to give their colony an edge over the competition in certain areas, while Nest Chambers are a new type of colony expansion that grants a recurring passive buff. You can get the new expansion for $15, or grab the entire March of the Ants experience for $59.
Vampire: The Masquerade- Heritage by Nice Game Publishing
Finally, we come to Heritage, a new Vampire: The Masquerade board game. The game is set in the same universe as the popular RPG, but in the distance past. Starting in the Middle Ages, players will shape their vampire clan over the course of 700 years, and even alter world history and politics from behind the scenes. You can buy your copy of the Kickstarter exclusive version for $100.
~Which Of These Campaigns Caught Your Attention?