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Tabletop Podcast Review: April 14th

3 Minute Read
Apr 14 2019

Adam here for another week of tabletop podcast reviews! Adepticon, Vigilus, Detachments, and more!

Hey all, Adam here, from TFG Radio, for this week’s reviews! This month there are plenty of Adepticon recaps,Vigilus Ablaze talk, detachments, and more . With all that said, let’s get on with the show!


Best in Faction, Canhammer Episode 156 – Both these podcasts feature interview with the winner of Adepticon 40K Champs, Jim Vessal

Primary Objective – New 40K podcast


Adeptus Terra

Allies of Convenience Season 2

Ashes of the Imperium


Back to the Warp


Beast Coast Gaming

Best General Season 2

Best in Faction


Caledonian Deathwatch Radio


Chapter Tactics

Come the Apocalypse

Cubic Shenanigans

Dangli Boyz



Eye of Terror

Facing the Grey Tide

Favoured of Chaos

Flying Monkey

Fog of War

Forge the Narrative

Heroic Intervention


Honest Wargamer

In the Finest Hour

Inches & Cubes

Independent Characters

Life After the Cover Save

Long War

Masters of the Forge


Mob Rules

Pimpcron’s 40K Podcast

Preferred Enemies

Primary Objective

Real & Ruin

Roll to Seize

Signals From the Frontline


Squad Tactica(Kill Team)

TFG Radio

Veteran Gamer Reenlisted

Wide World of Wargaming

40K Badcast

40K Podcast

40K Radio

40K Unfiltered




Blight Bringers

Boosted Rolls

Chain Attack Season 2

Combo Smite

Crippled System

Dark Guidance

Fully Boosted

House Shyeel

Infernal Opponents

Minority Report

More Than Dice

Party Foul


Age of the Hammer




Heralds of War

Honest Wargamer

Legends of the Painty Men

Lords & Heroes

Mortal Realms

Realm & Ruin

Rolling Bad

Age of Darkness

Edge of Empire

Eye of Horus

The Imperial Truth

Radio Free Isstvan

Sons of Heresy Season 3


Combat Phase

Combined Arms

Hobby Night in Canada

Pro Painted

Other Game Systems

Both Down (Blood Bowl)

Claim the City (Shadespire)

Exploding Dice (Dystopian Wars)

Legion Outriders (SW:Legion)


Mayacast (Infinity)

Mynock Squadron(SW:X-Wing)

No Dice, No Glory (Flames of War)

Ohiohammer (9th Age)

Personal Flash Paper(Infinity)

The Pitch(Guildball)

sw:STABcast (SW:Legion)

As always, check out our blog, at TFG Radio, and give the podcast a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems.  This episode Adam and John are joined by our teammate, Jeff. He runs our 40K league and is on to talk about Adepticon, the Best in Faction vote, some of the latest news, events that are coming up, and how he runs our local league. Give it a listen.

Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!

Author: Adam Solis
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