Watch Kevin Smith Play D&D In Relics And Rarities

Relics and Rarities continues to roll out on YouTube and this episode’s a big one. Kevin Smith sits down to play some D&D–come check it out.
That’s right folks, Kevin Smith: filmmaker, Silent Bob portrayer, and the genius behind one of the greatest animated series of all time, now steps into the D&D arena, as part of the star-studded season of Relics & Rarities. Brought to you via Geek & Sundry, this show blends mysteries, puzzles, D&D and a few folks you recognize into one amazing show. You can check out the episode below, but first up, a clip of why Clerks the Animated Series deserves a remake.
And now that we’ve got that out of the way, and Axel F is stuck in your head, let’s go ahead and take a look at Episode 5 of Relics and Rarities.
After a harrowing experience in King Senna’s Tomb and almost losing Rikki, the team receives new info from Professor Roundland. Rumor has it fresh clues to the sisters’ nefarious plans lie right here in the town of Bellbrook! She teams them up with Tiefling Warlock Private Detective Sam, who knows these streets like the back of his hand.
Set in a mysterious curio shop, creator Deborah Ann Woll brings a unique twist to the world of Dungeons & Dragons with gripping storytelling and arcane objects. Join Woll and a party of special guests each week as they face her puzzles and challenges! Visit us on
Of course Smith would be a Warlock Private Detective. Without spoiling too much, this episode really puts the rarities in relics and rarities. Enjoy folks, and if you’re interested in watching more Relics & Rarities, you can get a start on the series right here with Episodes 1 & 2. And if you’re interested in catching them as they drop, be sure and follow the YouTube channel.
Happy Adventuring!