40K & AoS: Grand Tournament USA Announced For August

Games Workshop has set the date for Two Grand Tournments for both Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar!
It’s big news for all players in the US – Games Workshop is throwing a Grand Tournament weekend in Grapevine, Texas on August 10th & 11th. Tickets are going up for sale May 11th, so you’ve got some time to think about attending. But what exactly is going down in Grapevine? Here is a listing of events:
40k Grand Tournament
1750 Matched Play Tournament
Vigilus Weekender: Vigilus Campaign Finale
Fully Painted, Battle-forged 50 Power Level army – Narrative missions – requires Vigilus Coin/AoS Wristband from participating GW or Warhammer store
Kill Team Battlezone
100-point Kill Team Gaming
Warhammer 40,000 Painting Contest
Four categories: Warlord, Troops and Elites, Heavy Support, and Detachments
AoS Grand Tournament
2,000 Point Matched Play Tournament
Narrative Campaign Weekend
Fully Painted 1,000 Point armies, Pitched Battle Vanguard rules
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Painting Contest
Four categories: General, Battleline, Behemoth, and Warscroll Battalion
All of these events are going down at the Grapevine Convention Center in Texas on August 10th and 11th. Which just happens to be down the street from the Warhammer Citadel. Again, tickets are going on sale May 11th! Mark your calendars and start making travel plans!
We’re going to be keeping an eye on this one and will be posting more details as we get them. Grapevine is just a few hours drive for us…time for another road trip!
A Grand Tournament in Texas?! In August?! This is going to be HOT!!! (No seriously, you might want to pack shorts.)