40K Rumors: Summer Codex and Mini Releases & Beyond

Summer is officially here, and here’s the word from the rumormmill of what is headed your way. It’s going to be a HOT summer for the Grimdark.
Weve had a lot of chaos and uncertainty with the China Tariffs, and the disruption in shipping to the entire industry. We’ve been piecing together tidbits from all over the place to pull together this fraemwork for Summer and beyond. Notw we are only covering Warhammer 40,000 here. Age of Sigmar will wait for another day:
Chaos Knights – Early Summer
This one is said to be in the silos, ready to fire off. Look for both codex and new models to hit the shelves in July to kick off the summer with a traitorous bang. While only the Questoris chassis was shown, the codex is said to cover all the Knight classes from the Imperial Knight codex.
Adeptus Mechanicus – Mid Summer
Coming fast on the heels of the Chaos Knights. The updated book will include the new hover transport and the recent Tech Priest Manipulus. Who knows what other hidden archaeotech it may bring us?
Apocalypse – Mid Summer
The all new ruleset to let you put every model you own on a giant table – and pull them back off is said to arrive in or near August. This promises to be quite the exciting product with a new ruleset, movement trays, and FREE rules for every army at launch. I can hardly wait to throw down at a mega-battle with all my friends to get me through the heat of high summer.
Space Marines – Late Summer
Everyone else’s codex is done so by sacrosanct Imperial Law, the Astartes MUST get their 2nd codex of the edition. This is the one we’ve all been waiting for. Look for all the new Primaris kits that have been piling up to make their proper appearance with standalone full featured kits and more wargear options. The book is said to be Primaris focussed, so it’s anyone’s guess what changes GW will make to the Classic Marine side of things rules-wise. Expect the unexpected.
Adepta Sororitas – Post Summer
GW said we were getting Sisters in 2019, so I’m sure they will show up in time. We’ll have to wait and see where in Q3-4 the Ladies arrive. Like the Canoness recites “Patience is a Virtue”.
~Which ones of these are most excited for?