40K: The Unbeatable List – Alamo GT Edition
One list fought its way to the top this weekend at the Alamo GT in San Antonio Texas from an unexpected codex. Take a look.
Over 80 people showed up to duke it out Deep in the Heart of Texas, and the Thousand Sons took the crown!
Matt Allee – Winner
Thousand Sons!
I’ve seen Allee play this list in person. It’s a psychic monster, that just beats foe’s down with non-stop smites, while the giant Tzaangor units drop in and lock up key threats for later. No slouches, the Tzaangors can take things down with enough Psychic buffs themselves. Everything has invulnerables, with all the buffs flying around, making the army a hard nut to crack open. There are lots of units to move around to manage objectives, and Allee himself is a strong, class act. Congrats to him for bringing home the trophy for Prospero!
~ Have at it!