40K: Top 5 Favorite Stealthy Units

Here are our picks of the Sneakiest of all the units in the Grimdark of Warhammer 40,000!
Some of the most decisive victories in 40K have been one because of the cunning and stealth of units of brave/foolhardy warriors from all factions. Whether they’re providing you with swift and tactical advantages or are proving why your enemy is perfidious and can’t be trusted; scouts, commandos, and other special operatives are a big part of the battlefields throughout the grim darkness of the distant future. Here are five of our favorites!
One of the biggest things stealth can add to your arsenal is fear–and nothing’s more terrifying than a Lictor. Definitely right behind you at any time, this hunter has crawled straight out of your worst nightmares to disembowel you, then vanish back into the shadows whence it came. With rules to back up its stealthy fluff, a Lictor and its brood are one of the first things you think of when you think stealth and 40K.
Stealth Suits
These guys are so stealthy they have stealth in the name. They also are hard to hit in combat, and are tough enough to make you actually have to try to eliminate them–they might not be as deadly as some of the other units on this list, but they represent the “distant future” part of 40K’s setting. With special suits that let them slip unnoticed behind enemy lines, a unit of elite T’au stealth suits can bring down targets for the Greater Good
Ork Kommandos
It doesn’t get stealthier than Orks. We all know Orks is da best, and so it stands to reasons that Ork Kommandos would be da best at sneakin’. Of course, once they get into a place they make a lot of noise, but it’s only for a little while and then they fade back into the background. Kommandos are the reason why Armageddon has to have dedicated teams of Ork Hunters…and they still can’t keep guardsmen safe.
Sniper Scouts
Speaking of the best–some of the best that humanity has to offer are those who are so genetically engineered and mutated that they’re no longer humans. And before they get trained all the way, they begin deployment as Scouts. They have to be stealthy because they’re trying to survive on battlefields where Space Marines are deployed. Fortunately, they can stay far enough afield thanks to the range of their sniper rifles, that they have that extra bit of stealth from sheer distance.
Aeldari Rangers
Probably one of the most iconic stealth options in 40K though, are the Aeldari Rangers. They’re wearing the 40K equivalent of cloaks of elven-kind that make them sneakier. They’re what you think of when you imagine a unit of hidden Aeldari forces. Scouts, snipers, skirmishers–they fulfill a number of roles. On the table, they can be hard to shift out of position, and they have a knack for showing up exactly where you don’t want them to be.
What’s your pick for the stealthiest unit? Let us know in the comments!