40K:Interview with Tony Myers – Hammerhead Games: TFG Radio

This week on TFG Radio we have a bonus episode. An interview with the owner of Hammerhead Games, and Patron Saint of Podcasts(TM), Tony Myers .
This episode we are joined by the Patron Saint of Podcasts(TM), and owner of Hammerhead Games, Tony Myers! Tony talks about the origins of both the company and the name, the Wasteland Games Weekend, a little bit about the Bolt Action tournament circuit, and more! Check it out.
Also check out his business at https://www.hammerheadgames.net/
TFG Radio Bonus Episode #15
~I hope you enjoy the show! Be sure to say something in the comments section. Whether it’s your opinion of the show itself, or just to suggest something we could talk about in the future, be sure to drop us a line.