Cosplay at Comicpalooza 2019 – Pt 1

We took a trip down to Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas last weekend. Let’s look at some of the epic cosplays out on the show floor at this staple of the Texas Convention Scene!
Every year comic nerds, cosplayers, and fans from across the nation gather together for a celebration of ultimate geekdom: the convention known as Comicpalooza. This year’s event celebrated Game of Thrones, hosting panels and celebrity signings from actress Emelia Clark, as well as a myriad of voice actors, cosplay guests, actors, etc. from all genres of fandom.
This week we’re taking a look at some of the whimsical, well crafted, and wickedly cool cosplays walking the floor of this event! Enjoy this gallery of amazing cosplays! (Also send me Cosplayer info if you have it, we’ll update with social media links so you can follow folks!)
The Cosplays
Boggart Snape-Harry Potter
The Fae of the Free Hugs
Gender-Bent Jayne Cobb and Kaylee- Firefly
Princess Jasmine-Aladdin
Blue Ninjetti Billy- The Power Rangers
Ultramarine- Warhammer 40k (Cosplay by @Debon_n)
Ultramarine Back-Warhammer 40k (Cosplay by @Debon_n)
The Heathers
Red Sea Witch-Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (Cosplay by @Tricksteresque)
Imperial Royal Guardsman-Star Wars
Bridal Ariel- The Little Mermaid
Old Ben Kenobi- Star Wars (Cosplay Ben Kenobi of the Rebel Legion)
Commissar-Warhammer 40k (Cosplay by Jared R Salomone, of the 501st)
~Join us next week for more Cosplay! Coverage~
Have a Cosplay question you would like Mayhem’s Muse to answer? Know a Cosplayer you’d like to see featured? Send an email here!
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