D&D Beyond Wants To Help You Make Encounters Easier

Easier for you that is, not necessarily your players. See how D&D Beyond’s new encounter tools can help you put together the deadliest encounters with ease.
Among the many announcements last week, including Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, the launch of Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and the new Rick and Morty vs Dungeons and Dragons, came a new rollout from D&D Beyond–the Encounter Builder, one of the most anticipated features since the service launched, has officially gone into alpha testing. Anyone with a subscription can test it out, and as this is a fairly open process, you get to help shape the future of the Encounter Builder. Check it out:
The whole thing seems pretty easy to use. Building off of D&D Beyond’s UI, you’re able to collect monsters and abilities that will challenge your players. And since it’s all D&D Beyond, you can specifically set up your players’ characters and level, so that you can build an encounter that’s tailored to their needs. And D&D’s DragonDrop(tm) makes populating an encounter a breeze.
And as we mentioned, the D&D Beyond team is looking for your feedback to make sure the Encounter Builder is everything you need it to be:
During alpha testing, subscribers will help shape it into a fine-tuned tool. Use it and let us know what you love – and most importantly, what needs work. Subscribe today and share your feedback on the forums!
Here are just a few things you can do with the Encounter Builder:
- Filter by Challenge, Environment, Size, Tags, and more to find the perfect threat for your players!
- Add, group, modify, and remove monsters and NPCs so easily you’ll think you cast prestidigitation!
- Let the builder do the heavy lifting with the math – find out quickly just how difficult your encounter will be!
There are already a few encounter builders out there–Kobold Fight Club is currently one of the best, so D&D Beyond’s app will have some stiff competition. The ability to add your specific characters is neat, and a lot of how the toolset function will depend on that kind of integration. That and being able to track abilities at a glance. D&D Beyond’s encounter builder could be great–but it will, of necessity, have to really dig in on bringing the rest of D&D Beyond’s knowledgebase to bare in order to make it feel worth it. I think they can, though, so, check out the Alpha and help make sure this toolset rocks.
Check out the Encounter Builder Today
Happy encounter planning!