GW: New Citadel Colour Website – Painting Guides & Tips

Games Workshop has launched a new website home for all the info you’ll need to use the Citadel Paints and more – come take a look!
If you’ve been wanting a single spot for guides, tips and techniques for using all the Citadel products for painting, Games Workshop has a new website up for you. CitadelColour has over 40 tutorial videos, guides and more for all things hobby from Games Workshop.
It’s a fantastic time for paint right now in the Warhammer hobby, and it’s about to get even better. With the release of the new Contrast paints just around the corner, we are very proud to announce the launch of – the ultimate Warhammer painting resource!
We did some poking around on the site already and they do have some really great info to share. Everything from tips on brush care, to the different types of paints, to techniques, to special effects, and even more advanced tips, too!
One of the first things I personally wanted to see was the new Contrast Paints Tutorial video – which is now live as well:
There are a TON more videos on the site and it sounds like they have a goal of adding painting guides for every citadel miniature that’s being made – which is a LOT of painting guides. This new site is going to expand and be the place to go for all things Citadel Paints.
What’s After Battle Ready
A few days ago, Games Workshop announced they were wanting to move towards a new Battle Ready Standard. This is a push to get models painted to a basic standard and the new Contrast Paints are designed to help with that. Now, folks like myself have been wondering “so what’s AFTER Battle Ready – what is the next level?” Turns out GW has that planned out too: Parade Ready.
These videos are just the tip of the iceberg – the Vanguard of Citadel Colour – so be sure to check their site out and see what other tips and tutorials you can pick-up for later!
…So when can I get my hands on those Contrast Paints?!?