Privateer Press: New Releases – Asphyxious And The Malady Man

Come and take a look at what’s coming next from Privateer Press. This week it’s new Grymkin models, and Asphyxious the Undamned.
Here’s what’s coming next week for Privateer Press. A couple new Grymkin lead the charge with the Neigh Slayer Warhorse and the Malady Man–get some of that vintage creep feeling going on. Take a look:
via Privateer Press
Neigh Slayer Warhorse – $26.99
The childish imagination of the neigh slayers takes on a tangible and deadly form. In their minds, they ride not toys but terrifying warhorses. They delight in the carnage, giggling at the corpses they leave behind, for the slain seem less real to them than the imagined steeds they ride. The gremlin with the greatest imagination leads a pack from his rocking horse, accompanied by shield and lance bearers. He capriciously dictates to other neigh slayers the ever-changing rules of his favorite games, leaving their victims lit afire or bleeding from mortal wounds.
Malady Man – $22.99
Not all music is pleasing to the ear, and it is with discordant, off-kilter harmonics and an uneven tempo that the Malady Man plays his fiendish instrument. He punishes those who lack conviction and are easily distracted to abandon work or to neglect their wards. Soldiers who stray from watch posts, mothers who let their children wander off, or laborers who stand idly by more than they work, all have been transfixed by the sound of his hand-cranked organ before being torn apart by the deranged monkey that joins him.
Asphyxious The Undamned
We design and craft each mini only for MiniCrate subscribers—you won’t find them anywhere else. Each mini will only be produced once, based on the current number of subscribers. Any overruns will be offered for sale to MiniCrate subscribers through special offers throughout the year, and when they’re gone, they’re GONE FOREVER.
That’s right: we’re putting the ‘EX’ into exclusive and we’re going to DESTROY THE MOLDS at the end of the production run. (Don’t worry, we’re going to post video, so you don’t miss out on all the fun.)
Play WARMACHINE or HORDES? All miniatures in the standard MiniCrate subscriptions are designed to substitute for existing models, so you can add them to your games right away!
Let us know what you think in the comments!