RPG: 40K And AoS – Together At Last

Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar are getting together–or at least, their respective RPGs are.
In a recent announcement we learned that Warhammer 40K’s RPG, Wrath and Glory, will be moving to a new publisher. Following a season of rapid growth, RPG publisher Cubicle 7, makers of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Soulbound, the upcoming Age of Sigmar RPG, will be taking on the Warhammer 40K license. This means whatever flavor of Warhammer you want to roleplay with, Cubicle 7’s got you covered.
Games Workshop is pleased to announce that award-winning publisher Cubicle 7 Entertainment is to produce Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying games.
The initial range of products will be a revised reprint of the Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook and an extensive range of supplements covering exciting new areas, as well as revisiting beloved old favourites. Cubicle 7 hope that their track record of producing beautiful and immersive licensed games that capture the feel of their settings – including Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – will appeal to Warhammer 40K gamers old and new.
Cubicle 7 is working with Ulisses’ Wrath & Glory design team to deliver the titles already planned for the game. Ulisses will continue to publish the German language edition of Wrath & Glory, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar roleplaying games, in partnership with Cubicle 7.
No idea what sort of new supplements we’ll be seeing, or when–but Cubicle 7 seems to have the reins now. What this means for Ulisses North America’s plan for the 40K RPG is up in the air. We know they had planned to explore the Dark Imperium more, and now that Cubicle 7 has acquired the license, it’s likely there will be some change to help “capture the feel” of 40K as envisioned by the new publisher. With an extensive range of new supplements planned, it looks like we’ll be seeing more of the 42nd Millennium.
Happy Adventuring!