The Unbeatable List: 2019 Bay Area Open Edition

The results are in and one list fought its way to the top in the BAO2019. Who took home the coveted Belt of Russ?
Winner Geoff Robinson – Imperium
Custodes Spearhead: +1 cp
Hq: Constantin Valdor (happens to be exactly same stats and cost as Trajann) 185
Elite: 1×3 Aquilon Terminators (solarite gsuntlet, fire pike, 3x mis ) 276
Elite: Vex (magnifica, axe) 124
Heavy: Calladius (accelerator) 210
Heavy: Calladius (accelerator) 210
Heavy: Telemon 272
Catachan battalion: +5 cp (emperor’s wrath) -1 cp
Hq: Company Commander (grand strategist) 30 Hq: company commander (relic: kurov’s)
30 Troops: 3×8 (3x mortars) 135
Heavy: Wyvern (heavy Bolter) 103 Heavy: Basilisk (heavy Bolter) 108
Graia Battalion: +5 cp
Hq: enginseer 30
Hq: enginseer 30
Troops: 3×5 rangers (3x arquebus, 3x omnispex) 171
Assassin Stratagem: -2 cp (assassin) 85
Drops: 18
Cp: 14 cp but -2 for assassin and -1 for emperors wrath(usually victor of blood games on Valdor, extra relic on vex and maybe WL or relic for vigilus detach)
Geoff’s list is based on the Forge World Beta Custodes list. It shoots a LOT (say hello Telemon & Calladius), and has multiple extremely nasty and hard to kill flying tanks. The shooting elements are throwing high rate of fire, high damage shots downrange that hit on 2+ with rerolls to 1’s, and rerolls on to-wounds as well. The list has all the CP it needs to get the job done, and the Aquilon Terminators are a nasty smash unit that can dish out the pain when and where they want to. The Wyvern, Basilisk, and Mortars dish out the pain without needing Line of Sight, and the Assassin slot gives Geoff flexibility to deal with whatever shows up at the table. All hail the king!
~ Give it up for Geoff’s win and let us know what you think about the list.