Wyrd: This New M3E Box Set Will Take Your Money, Thank You Very Much

These mercinaries will help – for a fee.
The new new rule book brings with it including 7 new faction books with a ton of lore, new models, ways to play, and cards are on their way. This new box will be available this July.
If there’s one thing that these three Mercenaries have in common, it’s making sure that after a job is done, they’re getting paid. Of varying skill levels, talents, and notoriety, these weapons for hire have all found their way working under the Viktoria sisters.
For Big Jake, the Viks seemed like the right choice because they go after big name bounties without even a blink of an eye. For the Student of Conflict, the Mercenary camp is a home and they are her family, learning from her leaders in the way of the sword in the process. And, for Taelor, working with the twins means that she gets to ensure that her Relic Hammer connects with a few skulls – having enough scrip in her pocket to pay for her drinking habit doesn’t hurt, either.