40K: 5 Titanic Movies For Apocalyptic Inspiration

The 40K Apocalypse is upon us – well, it’s coming soon. Here are some movies to watch to get you in the mood while you prep your Titans for WAR!
When it comes to 40k Apocalypse, part of the fun is the pure spectacle of it all. That’s why we’ve got a handful of movie recommendations you can watch to help you get into the mood. Watch these Titans battle it out while you muster your own forces. Welcome to another 40k Pop Khorne – the cross section of Warhammer and Pop Culture. Today – it’s Titan Time!
Clash of the Titans (1981)
Release the KRAKEN!!! There is a reason this move is a classic and you should certainly watch the whole thing (the original version). Aside from being totally 80’s awesome, it’s got the awesome Kraken scenes where entire cities are destroyed. Plus the scale of the Kraken compared to a mere “mortal” is pretty great. This movie is just good clean fun – but there is also an important lesson in there for all you Apocalypse Generals – never underestimate Flyers…
Robot Jox (1989)
Bring on the Big Mechs! Robot Jox is another one of those cult classics that you can watch for the pure spectacle of it all. In the future, Countries no longer settle their wars on the battlefields, instead they face off in Arenas with massive robots! Is it silly? Yeah – it kind of is! But the scenes with the big robots fighting make it all worth it. Is it dated now? Sure – but that’s part of the charm and the fun!
Pacific Rim 1 (2013) & 2 (2018)
City Fight meets Apocalypse. It’s more Giant Robots fighting Giant Kaiju! I mean, just watch this fight scene – if you don’t like watch you’re seeing then maybe the idea of Apocalypse isn’t your cup of tea.
If that doesn’t get you in the mood for a throw-down with your Titanic Toys, I’m not sure we can help you.
Destroy All Monsters (1968)
Really, you could pick just about any Godzilla movie – even the new Godzilla: King of the Monsters. But we’re going with Destroy All Monsters because it shows historic landmarks getting destroyed by monsters and humanity attempting to fight them off with conventional weapons. This reminds me a lot of my experience with old Apocalypse Games. Tons of big guns shooting at even BIGGER Titans, hoping to some how drop them before they smash their way to victory.
Transformers (2007) – Plus All The Sequels
Love’em or Hate’em the Transformers movies have made almost 5 BILLION dollars at the box office as a series. So someone is watching these movies. But that’s not the point. If you’re looking for the PERFECT movies to watch while you’re hobbying or mustering your own armies for Apocalypse, these movies are great. Why? Because you can do other things while “watching” these movies with ease. Put them on in the background and 1/2 pay attention – because you don’t really need to. When something cool happens, pop your head up from Hobbying to watch the scene and then get back to doing what you need to do. The mostly forgettable plots won’t impede your hobby time and you can still get inspired by the big Michael Bay explosions!
What movies are you watching to get ready for the Titanic Apocalypse coming this weekend?