40K Apocalypse: Adeptus Custodes Faction Focus

The Emperor’s Golden Boys are here to kick butt in Apocalypse. Come see exactly what they are capable of on the tabletop!
When it comes to armies folks might picture taking part in Apocalyptic Battles, the Adeptus Custodes don’t really jump to the top of the list for me. They have been based on Holy Terra guarding the Emperor for many millennia. However, in more recent times the Adeptus Custodes have been moving outward and engaging in more conflicts. Now, they are certainly part of the 40k army landscape and therefore it’s the perfect time to have them join in your games of Apocalypse!
So what will they actually do in those games? Well it ain’t “chew bubble gum” – let’s dive into the Talons of the Emperor!
The Adeptus Custodes
“One of the great strengths of the Adeptus Custodes is their sheer heroism, with each of their number having performed deeds worthy of even the most storied commanders of the Adeptus Astartes – it is with good reason that the Bell of Lost Souls in the Tower of Heroes rings out each time one falls in battle. In Apocalypse, this is represented by their immunity to critical damage, meaning that they will always fight at full power until they are destroyed.”
This is a pretty nice army wide rule for the Custodes. Having seen their Datasheets, this rule is going to keep them swinging and in the fight – and quite lethal the entire time. Take a look at a basic Custodian Guard Unit for example:
That sheer will to keep fighting at full strength even with when they have suffered critical damage is nice – and don’t forget to take Stormshields. a 3+ save on infantry is kind of bonkers in Apocalypse.
Captain-General Trajann Valoris
“As one might expect from one of the mightiest warriors in the Imperium, Trajann Valoris has a formidable profile. However, his greatest strength comes from his skills as a commander and the temporal wisdom he gleans from his Moment Shackle – both of which can play a significant role on the battlefield.”
Vexilus Praetor
In Terminator Armor or not, the Vexilus Praetor will have a monumental impact on your units. With his Aura, he can add 1 attack to nearby units – while that might not sound like a lot, remember in Apoc that unit attacks have been significantly reduced. Each extra attack is going to be that much more important!
Vertus Praetors
Let’s just take a look at the Vertus Praetors for a moment; these guys are kind of bonkers. Base move of 16″ plus a fantastic save AND serious anti-personnel/anti-tank/anti-air options? Yeah – no wonder a squad of 3 starts at 12 Power Rating and goes up from there!
Command Assets
Peerless Warriors is going to allow you to really pack a punch with your Custodes. You basic troops have a 7+ to wound in melee already. Now give them 2 more attacks AND a 3+ to their to wound roll. They are going to make units bleed…
Are you worried about your Golden Warriors moving slowly on the battlefield? Well how about a way to rapidly redeploy them where you need them?
From Golden Light They Come is a great way to get units into the fight – it’s alternate ability is also just a flat re-roll for a hit OR wound roll! That’s just flat good all around.
Are you ready for the Adeptus Custodes in Apoc? You better be…