40K Apocalypse: Movement Trays & Command Assets

Come join the BoLS crew as we take you through the Apocalypse movement trays and command asset decks.
We’re uncancelling and unboxing the Apocalypse here at BoLS hq today. You’ve seen the big box set, now let’s look at the fantastic accessories that will help your apocalyptic games run smoothly, so that you can devastate the battlefields of the 42nd Millennium with elegance, mystery, and grace.
If you haven’t seen the rules previews, positioning–and especially unit coherency–can meam the difference between life and the destruction of your prized unit and flipping of the table. Fortunately the trays are easy to use.
But far more important are the Command Assets, which represent the various Stratagems, Psychic Powers and other awesome abilities your units might possess. Each unit is formed in detachments, each detachment gets a commander, and each commander has access to different assets that come in the form of a randomized deck you’ll put together.
You’ll need these if you’re going to have the full apocalypse experience, so make sure to pre order yours now, while you still can!
Happy End Times!