40K Apocalypse: T’au Faction Focus

It’s time for the Greater Good to go under the microscope with a new Apocalyptic Faction Focus!
When it comes to unleashing deadly salvos of firepower the T’au can do it like few other can. With their wide use of Battlesuits, Drones, and other T’au-like equipment, they pose a serious threat in 40k Apocalypse. Today we’re taking a closer look at what makes them tick and how they will bring the BOOM to the battlefield.
The T’au Empire is an increasingly powerful force to be reckoned with in the grim darkness of the far future, and over the course of five sphere expansions, the vibrant young race has seen the territory under their control multiply a thousandfold. Though they prefer to increase their influence by peaceful means wherever possible, they are no strangers to unleashing war on those who would dare to prevent their inexorable expansion. Read on to discover what the T’au Empire will soon be bringing to the Apocalypse battlefield…
Everyone knows that the standard T’au gunline’s main weakness is close-combat. Most armies can’t deal with the withering firepower at range and closing in to face them in melee is their best bet. In Apocalypse, the T’au will be able to issue the Aimed Fire Order which is only going to make their volleys of shooting even more deadly. But it also forces them to have a penalty in close-combat…until you take into account their army ability – For The Greater Good:
Just when you thought you were going to be able to flee into the cover of close-combat with the T’au.
Unit Preview
The T’au Commander is the Swiss-Army knife of the T’au forces. Equipped with a high-tech battlesuit that can be kitted out to preform just about any battlefield role you need, you can bet that these T’au warriors are going to all over the place in Apoc. Check out their datasheet:
Oh, and in case you’re wondering about their Commander Weapon list, it’s certainly not short of options:
Eagle-eyed readers might have also noticed the Master of War ability. Curious about what that does? Check it out:
XV8 Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Battlesuits are very similar to the Commanders because they can also fill a wide variety of combat roles. However, they have a slightly different option they can run with too – and that is the role of a bodyguard:
Sworn Protector allows them to take the hits for other friendy <Spet> Characters within 6″. If you’re willing to shuffle that potential damage over it could keep your Commanders (or other Characters) in the fight!
XV104 Riptide Battlesuit
I know lots of T’au players are excited about the idea of running a Riptide Wing and for good reason. Individually, they are mean but running them as a pack of deadly hunters…well, you get the idea.
Command Assets
It wouldn’t be the T’au without Markerlights and they do exactly what you’d expect them to do – the allow T’au firepower to be more accurate. In this case, they allow you to re-roll 1s for your hit rolls. Markerlights – don’t leave home without’em!
Another uniquely T’au ability is their two different strategies for the art of war. Kauyon and Mont’ka allow you to change your orders out of sequence. This can help you adjust your plans on the fly and really strike home – for the Greater Good!
Well that’s all for the T’au for now. If you want to dive even deeper you can check out their datasheets via the link below!
T’au Datasheets For Apocalypse
For The Greater Good!