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BREAKING: 40K Apocalypse Datasheets Now Available

2 Minute Read
Jun 24 2019
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Go, Go, GO!  If you wanted to see your army’s data sheets for Apocalypse, it’s time to get started!

Games Workshop’s Apocalypse website is now updated with ALL the datasheets for the armies. It’s time to check to see what the heck all your favorite units can do in Apocalypse!

Datasheet Download Page


This is pretty exciting times! Now we have a much clearer idea of how you’re going to be able to build and field armies. This also answers a lot of questions about how squad upgrades are going to work. Basically, they just tweak your Power Rating – if you choose those options. Below you can see the Tactical Squad, the Skorpius Disintegrator, a Knight, and a Titan. This is a pretty good spread of things that will be in the game.


Datasheet Download Page

There are LOTS of units to chew on with this massive amount of units. Just about every single unit in the game is covered even the Gellerpox Infected have rules! This is the largest batch of rules we’ve gotten in one dose from GW for Apocalypse and now we can all start to really theorycraft and even build an army list based on the Power Ratings provided.

Time to hit the books – what are are you going to build out first? What size games do you think Apoc will be for a “Standard” Game? 100, 150, 200+ Power Raiting?



Author: Adam Harrison
  • 40K Flashback: Apocalypse Death Guard Pre-Heresy Baneblade