D&D: 3D Print The Devils And Archdevils Of Mordenkainen’s Tome Of Foes

Thanks to one amazing redditor, you can now 3D print all the devils and Archdevils from Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes into minis for your tabletop.
In case you needed a reminder that we live in the future, here we go, you can now 3d print any of the archfiends from the Nine Hells in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes in miniature form, to scale and everything. That’s 17 massive minis, battle-ready from your 3D printer. This comes just in time to get you making your own infernal friends for Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. Let’s take a look at the Fiends you can add to your Folio, and you’ll find a link to the 3D files for the minis accompanying each image and more information about the whole project below. For now, thanks to Reddit user mz4250 we have these delicious devils.
via Reddit
via /u/mz4250
Hello friends! For this next submission I present to you the Devils and Archdevils of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, seen in this gallery here I modeled them all in Blender, then printed them with either my Anycubic Photon or Prusa i3 MK3. I painted them with Acrylics, used one layer of shade, and finished them with either a gloss or matte varnish. As with all my posts, the files are always free and links are located under each image.
And in case you haven’t seen me around here before, I’ve been 3D modeling and printing my own D&D minis for the past four years. I always share the files for free. Here are my galleries so far, with free access to the files under each image:
You asked for them so I modeled them!
The Acquisitions Incorporated Cast
“Tales from the Yawning portal”
Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Nightman Cometh 3D printed D&D minis!
The “Dice, Camera, Action!” Cast
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Letters A, B, & C
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Demons and Demon Lords
Here is Patreon if you’d like to support my efforts as I make free minis, while having access all my files under one Google Drive, as well as a request board. There is so much more to create from this book and I’m loving every minute of it
These miniatures are pretty great looking. You’ll have to paint them up yourself, but you can grab the files off of Shapeways and go to town. Enjoy, and as always…
Happy Adventuring!