Pathfinder 2: The Pre-Ordering

Pathfinder 2 is up for pre-order–it’s set to debut at Gen Con, so make sure you get yours while the getting’s good. Come see what awaits.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition is almost here, marking the first time in a decade that Pathfinder has gotten a new edition. Previews are starting to hit the internet, and already folks are getting a look at what the new system has to offer. If you were a part of the playtest, or want to be sure to try out the new system, you might consider pre-ordering, since it’s likely the hardcovers will sell out once released.
Still, hard to run out of .pdfs, though.
via Paizo
Pathfinder 2 Core Book – $59.99
Advance Your Game
This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder roleplaying game provides everything you need to set out into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design, destined to become a legend! The new Pathfinder rules are easier to learn and faster to play, and they offer deeper customization than ever before!
This indispensable volume contains the core rules for players and Game Masters, and is your first step on a heroic new journey!
The Pathfinder Core Rulebook includes:
- More than 600 pages of game rules, advice, character options, treasure, and more for players and Game Masters!
- Six heroic player character ancestries, including elf, dwarf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and human, with variant heritages for half-elf and half-orc!
- More than 30 backgrounds like bartender, soldier, or apprentice to further immerse yourself in your hero’s backstory!
- Twelve character classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard!
- Hundreds and hundreds of spells, class feats, and other exciting abilities to help you customize your character to become the hero YOU envision her to be!
- Streamlined and revised rules to help ease new players into the game while providing the depth of character options and tactical interest that have defined Pathfinder from the beginning!
Happy Adventuring!