Why Am I Not Winning at Warhammer 40k? – FTN

Val and Paul jam this episode – we examine when too much of a good thing is bad and a couple of objective ways to evaluate your performance on the tabletop. We talk about different ways to evaluate a unit’s effectiveness to YOU.
In a tournament winner’s list but it’s also just fine to get ideas from other people.
Hey all,
Last week I didn’t put the Alliance Open in the show notes. You heard us speaking with them in the show but if you haven’t checked out their site yet, please do!
I think we make talking about base size interesting in this episode. Its not just a ‘whatever’ thing. Its something you can actual consider when you’re making your army list. The ‘physics’ of the game play a huge role in the top end of 40k play. Please let us know list design changes you’ve made with this sort of thing in mind.
We ask when can you have too much of a good thing? It’s possible that you can load your army up with tons of efficient or durable units but you might be missing out on some key things that help you ‘win’ a series of games. Remember, a tournament isn’t just one battle – it’s a war! ha.
Looking at the game from a nose to tail perspective is something we can lose from time to time. Its easy to blame dice, the opponent, the terrain, etc. but there are tons of things we can control – the amount of variance we’ll accept and the stuff we actually put into our army.
We center this around our journeys with Orks and Astra Militarum but this sort of thing applies to all lists.
The Wrong Way Kids will be putting on their first official public event later this year the Armageddon Series: Coastal Assault. Tickets are up for sale right now. Please join us. You will have a good time. It will be a full ITC format event and an excellent opportunity to get ITC overall and faction points.
The hobby segment is about cleaning your resin.. It may not feel like you need to but you almost always do. You can save yourself a lot of time and heartache if do this extra step on the front end.
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Paul Murphy – Host
Justin Troop – troopsmash
Christopher Morgan – captain morgan
Ricky Addington
Mike Brandt
Val Hefflefinger