40K Apocalypse: Adepta Sororitas Faction Focus

The Sisters of Battle are on the scene with the latest Apocalypse Faction Focus from Games Workshop!
The Apocalypse arrives in stores this weekend and only the faithful will survive. Or maybe it’s the folks with the best armor saves…Either way, the Sisters of Battle are gearing up for Apoc with the latest Faction Focus. What will these deadly servants of the Emperor be able to do on the tabletop? Check them out!
The Sisters of Battle are blessed with a number of high-quality, reliable infantry units such as Battle Sisters, Seraphim and Retributors. Not only are they excellent shots with their weapons, but they wear power armour – this grants them a 6+ Save and, crucially, the chance to shrug off even large blast markers. They also have access to a variety of specialist units such as Arco-flagellants, Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders that offer some powerful melee options.
Aside from reliable shooting and solid armor, the Sisters also have a unique faction ability that helps them generate Command Assets during the game:
This really has the potential to allow Sisters to really cycle through their Command Asset Deck. Imagine running a bunch of squads of 5 just to toss into the meat grinder for Command Assets! Just be careful you don’t sacrifice too many units…
The Units
Celestine is a fantastic commander unit thanks to her Beacon of Faith Ability. On top of that, she can make a dent in most things thanks to her Ardent Blade. She’s not going to get knocked out easily thanks to her 4+ save (which drops to a 3+) and she’s got great synergy with the Geminae Squad, too!
Take them both and have them shuffle damage around and keep Celestine alive even longer.
The Exorcist
The Exorcist is the icon tank of the Sisters of Battle. It’s deadly Exorcist Missile Launcher is well known on the 40k tabletop and it’s Apoc version is still quite devastating. It’s traded in it’s random number of shots for a flat 2 shots – but they are quite effective vs vehicles. At only 7 Power Rating, why not bring a couple along and rain death upon the heads of the Emperor’s foes?!
Penitent Engines
These rather disturbing war machines are the final say in melee combat for the Adepta Sororitas. For starters, you can take Penitent Engines in packs of 3 (which you should totally do to take advantage of their 3 Attacks and 6 Wounds), and when you consider the nasty profile of their Penitent buzz-blades and the fact that each model comes packing a pair of heavy flamers, they’re a real force to be reckoned with at close range – especially when the Inferno ability means their ranged attacks hit automatically!
With a full squad of 3, that’s 6 Heavy Flamer shots. If you need something to tear through infantry, I think you might have found your unit!
Command Assets
The Emperor Protects and in the Sorotitas’ case, he protects very well! Shield of Faith allows you to pick a unit to make saves on D12 regardless of the size of the Blast Marker. That’s pretty handy for Sisters. And if Celestine is floating around nearby, even better!
Faith and Fury essentially doubles the number of hits an Adepta Sororitas unit makes during their shoot or fight action. Just make sure the unit actually has the Adepta Sororitas keyword before you decide to use it (sorry Penitent Engines – maybe it’s a typo). One of our favorite units to target is a Retributor Squad with 4 Multi-meltas! If you want to remove a vehicle from the game that’s a pretty mean unit to do it with!
That’s all for the Sisters of Battle Preview – what do you think of the Emperor’s Faithful?