40K Apocalypse Grand Tournament Announced

Games Workshop has announced the first ever 40k Apocalypse Grand Tournament – get ready for Tournament Apocalypse!
Well if you were wondering if Apocalypse could be played as a tournament in a competitive event Games Workshop has your answer with an emphatic YES. Check out this announcement:
Friday 4th October to Sunday 6th October
Test your tactical skills on a big scale with the first-ever Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Grand Tournament! We’ll have more information about this incredible event soon, but for now, start painting your super-heavies and expanding your squads ready for the Apocalypse – which you can pre-order now!
October 4th-6th Warhammer World Events will be running the first Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Grand Tournament. That’s a big stinkin’ deal! Details at this point are pretty sparse. Apocalypse isn’t even out of Pre-Order yet and this announcement has landed. This is evidence that GW believes that Apoc can be run as a Tournament Game and having looked over the rules, it absolutely can be.
With the new Apocalypse Rules, the old issues of game times taking (literally) all-day to finish are gone. And depending on the official Power Rating size of these games, they should end in a reasonable amount of time similar to a 40k game. Apocalypse is a Detachment-level game so you’ve got to stop thinking about your units as groups of indiviual models that each get to move/shoot/fight/save – units function a single entities. Apocalypse strips away the need to pull individual models from units as well – either the whole unit is gone or it’s still on the board.
Yes, there are going to be more models on the tabletop but when you’re managing them as entire units (especially on the new movement trays) it’s not going to take as long as you might think. Apocalypse plays a whole lot faster than previous editions – fast enough so that Games Workshop is confident in running a Grand Tournament for it!
Competitive Apocalypse?
Over time, if GW keeps up the support for Apocalypse, the game will develop it’s own meta-game. It wouldn’t take much more than GW creating seasonal Command Asset Decks to keep Apoc interesting on the competitive scene either. And as new units are introduced into 40k, there is no reason GW can’t whip-up datasheets for those same units in Apoc, too.
Chaos Knights already have datasheets – and their new, official Codex isn’t even out!
The Ruleset is out, the datasheets are free and 40k players already have armies to hop over. It will take a mindset shift (as mentioned above) but Competitive Apocalypse can be done – and it sure looks like GW is making it happen. Here at BoLS, we’re certainly going to be keeping an eye on GW’s Apocalypse GT coming in October. Are you going to give Tournament Apocalypse a shot?
If you liked Epic and wished for a new version of it, you might want to check out 40k Apocalypse…Just sayin’!