40K: Dreadblades – Like Freeblades… but Naughty

So you know those loner Imperial Knight Freeblades – they have Chaos evil twin counterparts. Take a look at some sample rules.
One of the cool thinks in the Imperial Knights codex are the background and rules for Freeblades. You remember… these guys:
“Freeblade Knights refer to Imperial Knights and their pilots who leave their Knight World behind and travel across the Galaxy. These Knights owe no allegiance to any specific Knightly House and usually travel either alone with a small group of retainers and Sacristans or in small bands of Freeblades.”
Well it turns out Codex Chaos Knights has evil reflections of them – Dreadblades. GW talked a little about them today, and said they they use a similar system to what is in the Imperial Knight Codex:
- You can designate a Chaos Knight as a Dreadblade
- It gains the DREADBLADE keyword in addition to its normal ones.
- You roll on a table of Pacts (Perks), and gain Damnations (Buffs) to go along with them.
- If you Pick your Pact instead of rolling, you may gain additional Damnations.
- The Damnations only affect you if you fail a morale test (rolled once per turn)
So basically the identical system to Loyalist Freeblades. Here’s a sample background story for one of these doomed individuals: SIRE OF DOOM
Sample Pacts
Sample Damnation
~I just hope the Dreadblade pilots look exactly the Freeblades, but with goatees and mustaches – as all evil twins MUST!