40K: Space Marines Heroes Series 3 Teases Another Death Guard Hero

The Space Marine Heroes Series 3 collection has another Death Guard miniature on the way – straight from the artwork!
Back in May, GW teased the third wave of Space Marines Heroes miniatures – this time, they are focusing on the Death Guard. Today, we’re getting a closer look at one of those heroes and their alternate head-swap version as well.
via Mad Doc Grotsnik (DakkaDakka)
Pretty cool looking miniature along with the optional/alternative head. But that top picture looks like off the cover of Endurance by Chris Wraight:
Endurance – eShort $3.99
Lystra is a hive world, with a population of billions… or at least it was. Now Lystra is a corpse, overrun by the walking dead, with just a small force of Astra Militarum and a handful of Space Marines defending against the numberless horde. Exhausted and an inch away from destruction, they hold against the tide… but things are about to get worse, for the Death Guard have noticed Lystra.
There are some differences – the pack has some more archaic piping and the bolter has a combat knight strapped to it with red cloth – but that shoulder pad and pose are pretty spot on.
This model will be joining the rest of his Nurgle-blessed battle-brothers. They are making quite the collection of Death Guard heroes with this wave. They are initially going to be released in Japan but will eventually make their way to the rest of us. So unless you’ve got a friend that lives in Japan, you’re just going to have to be patient like the rest of us.
“I’m not crying – YOU’RE CRYING!”
Patience wasn’t one of Nurgle’s Gifts…