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40K: The Repulsor Is Now Available For Non-Codex Marines

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Jul 30 2019
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Updated today–the Space Marine Primaris Repulsor Executioner has had its points adjusted, in addition to being made available to Blood Angels et al.

Just a quick bit of news for you this evening folks. The Primaris Repulsor has been given an official update, making it available for all Space Marines, whether they’re Codex, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolf Angels, Crimson Fist Angels, or other Angels that aren’t in the Codex but do have their own suite of rules and fancy keyword in the game.

It’s also about 31 points more expensive now, giving it something of a nerf. But other than that, it’s still the same Repulsor Executioner you know and love.

What do you think of the update? Too much? Not enough? Which Space Marine Angels are your favorite Space Marine Angels Chapters?

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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