AoS: Unboxing The Awakened Wyldwood & Sylvaneth Endless Spells

Today we look inside the new Sylvaneth mini kits sprouting up across tabletops worldwide.
Awakened Wyldwood
Hobbyist note: The kit contains three sprues, one of them is the trees. Two of them are leaves. These trees are head and shoulders above hte previous generation of GW plastic woods. There are 3 key differences.
- No more large baseplate. Each of the three trees has a semi-curcular base. All three combine to make hollow circular area – which is considered part of the woods terrain feature.
- The branches and leaves are now unified into single pieces that attach using strong ball and socket joints. Can I tell you how many times I’ve had to re-glue the leaves from the previous kits that are easily knocked off by even casual play. No more with these ones.
- The top mounted set of leaves attach to the trunks via a set of 3 or 4 contact point – so again, a solid joint with no easily broken parts.
Endless Spells
These are very, very cool. The skeleton filled Vengeful Skullroot is right out of a Scooby-Doo episode, floats, and used the same sturdy ball and socket process the new Wyldwoods have. The Gladewyrm is larger than you think and has a great scenic base. It will paint up great, and look amazing on the tabletop – SHAI-HULUD! The Spiteswarm Hive is the little one of the trio, but its healing/area denial rules will make it hit above its diminutive size.
So what do you think about he new Wyldwood compared to the older GW woods?