AoS: Warcry – Meet The Spire Tyrants & Scions Of The Flame

We’ve got more info on two of the Warbands that are coming to Warcry later on down the line.
Games Workshop teased two more warbands that were slated for a later release date for Warcry earlier this week. Well now that we’ve got our hands on the Warcry Starter Kit, we’ve been poking around to see what we can find. And now we’re sharing the results with YOU!
First up, we’ve got the Spire Tyrants. This warband isn’t from any particular mortal realm – in fact they are champions from the Varanspire’s infamous fighting pits. That’s right, these tough customers are basically fighting on their home turf in the Eightpoints!
Spire Tyrants
Notice anything…familiar about that silhouette? The horns. The armor. The AXE. The fur boots? Could these be the long awaited update to the Chaos Marauders?!
Oh we hope so. But that’s a BIG maybe. On the flip side, we also learned a bit more about them and they seem to have more than a few nods to those old Barbarian roots from the Old World.
With a name like Spire Tyrants, it’s no wonder they like to put on a show! Up next: Scions of the Flame!
Scions of the Flame
The Scions of the Flame do hail from Aqshy which is the Realm of Fire. These warriors are filled with fire and are zealots in service of the dark gods. They want to impress Archaon so that they may join his forces and spread the fires of war – which they believe will consume everything! Their shadowy figure leaves a lot to be filled in by one’s imagination and the seem like a warband that’s going to bring the heat both figurative and literally!
Fanatical and devoted to flames these warriors sound crazy! Maybe it’s all that ragerock…anyhow, I’m looking forward to learning even more about these hot-headed heathens!
While we still don’t have any word about the release date of these warbands, you can bet GW has something big planned for them at a later date. Heck, Warcry’s first 6 warbands haven’t even hit the shelves yet and we’re already looking forward to the unrevealed models. Warcry has a lot to chew on so I hope this will feed your hunger – for now…
What do you think of these two warbands? If the other 6 warbands haven’t caught your interest, do you find either of these two appealing?