AoS: Warcry Warbands Get Official Age Of Sigmar Rules
Come check out the official rules to use your favorite Warcry Warband as a unit in your Chaos armies. Check them out today!
In a move that surprises absolutely no one, the Warcry units have all gotten their official AoS proper rules, joining the ranks of the Underworlds fighters and other extra-curricular characters who have their own special AoS units that maybe see some play from time to time. Come and see how the Cypher Lords, Untamed Beasts, Iron Golems, Furies, and Raptoryx all work in the Age of Sigmar.
Cypher Lords
Cypher Lords bring short range firepower and a handy debuff wrapped up in a fairly rapid package. A great support option, to be sure.
Iron Golems
More hardy, though, are the smiths of the Iron Golems, whose Iron Resilience makes them fantastic at holding down an objective or other tactically important locales.
Untamed Beasts
The Untamed Beasts bring their trademark ferocity and bloodlust to the table with a vanguard move and the ability to run and charge, granting them a huge threat range. And with their high-damage harpoons, they make excellent skirmishers.
Furies are fast. And they can retreat out of combat, putting them in an optimalĀ position–but you’ll haveĀ be judicious with their mobility to keep them alive.
Raptoryx on the other hand are all feathers and fury and vicious charges.
Do you take the special named units in your armies, or do you just go with the standard nameless troops? How do you like character units from other games, like these ones? Let us know in the comments!