Blood Bowl: Wood Elves Arrive & New Models Teased

Blood Bowl is getting a new team this weekend and GW is teasing some hints at more Star Players coming to the roster!
If you’re a fan of Blood Bowl then you’re going to like this new Wood Elf Team coming to the pitch. We’re looking at a few of their players and GW might have just tipped their hand on a whole new batch of Star Players joining the most brutal game ever! Let’s start with the new team’s players.
The Wardancer
Wardancers are pricy. Clocking in at 120k per player and you can only ever have two. But when you get two of them on your roster – watch out! Fast, Agile, and with 3 core skills (Block, Dodge, Leap) that will make your opponent’s heads turn as they are skipping their way to the endzone, they are worth every GP.
The Treeman
The Wood Elves as a team are fast and agile – but they aren’t known for their durablilty. So when you need to bring the beef (or rather the BARK in this case) the Treeman is a great addition. Hey, if a Treeman can make the Half-ling team viable, then just think of what he can do with some actually GOOD players on the team?
More Star Players?
With the next issue of Spike, we know there are some more Star Players on the way. But now we have a better idea of who’s on the line-up.
First up, we get a glimpse of Willow Rosebark – at least we’re assuming that’s who this is:
The roses kind of give it away. That’s NOT a Branchwraith model from AoS either. Furthermore, GW also hinted at a few other Star Players in their article:
Famous names like Jordell Freshbreeze and Eldril Sidewinder take the formula of speed and agility and turn it up to 11 with a host of added Skills. Either of them can all-but carry your team to victory against slow, plodding teams. On the other hand, bruisers like Willow Rosebark and Zolcath the Zoat (yes, you read that correctly) will help stand up to teams that are able to counter your speed.
Yep – that’s 4 players that were mentioned, although Eldril Sidewinder already has a model and rules in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One. What’s really crazy is that a Zoat is coming to the game! What’s a Zoat you ask? Well, it’s Old School is what it is:
Zoats were introduced in Rogue Trader – but remember this was the strange time where 40k and Fantasy blurred the lines a bit. Zoats were also available for use in Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. They were this weird Lizard-centaur hybrid race that was a sub-race that got a similiar treatment to the Fimir. They were also known as allies to the Elves and aided them against Goblins and their kin. They were considered “ancient magic forest creatures” which is why they are allies of the Wood Elves.
Does this mean Zoats are coming to AoS? Probably not. But we might see one on the Pitch of Blood Bowl – so that’s something!
What do you think of the Wood Elves and their new Allies? Let us know in the comments!